Our Guiding Principles

The following guiding principles underpin our strategy and drive how we do our work:

Collective action:

Enabling people to work together to identify common realities, so that they can influence, advocate and collaborate between communities, social networks, state agencies and government institutions in order to access resources and source relevant expertise.




Analysing power - how it is acquired, sustained and applied - while building the skills, knowledge and confidence of people to be critical, creative, and active participants, to take more control of their lives, communities and environments.



Pro-actively involving individuals and groups who experience poverty and social exclusion in seeking to achieve a sustainable balance between economic, social, environmental and cultural needs at all stages of their lives.


Leadership and capacity building:

Ensuring people build their skills and leadership capacities, to play active roles in developing their communities and to more confidently engage with decision makers.


Social Justice:

Enabling everyone to play an active role in creating the conditions for a just and equal society, through challenging all forms of oppression, discrimination and inequality and advocating for strategies to alleviate the root causes of inequality and disadvantage. Inequality and discrimination can be based on ability, age, culture, gender, marital status, socioeconomic status, nationality, skin colour, racial or ethnic group, sexual orientation and political or religious beliefs.


Integrity and accountability:

Encouraging the highest ethical and professional standards of openness, responsibility and evidence-informed decision making in the conduct of our business.