Our Partnership Approach
The work of ‘partnership’ is all about creating the conditions for dialogue so that there is a better understanding of ‘what will work’ and make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families and communities.
We see our partnership approach as:
• Engaging directly and honestly with individuals, their families and communities; and working in ways that are directly relevant to the challenges and opportunities that become apparent to them in their daily lives;
• Learning from experience and making sense of the various forms of data that we produce and access;
• Communicating an informed view of the reality of people’s lived experience as we address the causes of poverty and social exclusion;
• Enabling the interface between communities that experience disadvantage and the services that they need;
• Making sense of national government policy by anticipating and commenting on policies and decisions that directly impact on the lives of people and on groups who live with inequality and limited access to education, health and community services;
• Sustaining collaboration and the growth of a ‘partnership culture’ by building trust, effective governance, and addressing the risks associated with dis-jointed thinking in the implementation of local development strategies; and
• Equipping citizens – particularly those who are socially excluded – with the necessary information and skills to engage with the structures and agencies that plan and deliver services across the county.