Skills for Employment

Southside Partnership DLR works closely with a number of partner groups to facilitate access to employment related training for its clients. This training may take the form of short skills based training or longer, more intense, job specific courses. The training is generally free for those who are in receipt of a Social Protection payment and where possible provided in local community locations.

Five day Job Club Training

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Five week Job Club Training  

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Career Activation and Progression Programme (CAPP)

12 week part-time programme for unemployed young people between 18 and d24 years designed to help young people develop a healthier lifestyle and break the cycle of joblessness.  The current programme is currently closed. 


Horticulture Skills Course

View brochure: Certificate in Horticulture Level 4

This is an introductory horticultural course to gain and develop knowledge and skills in horticultural. The trainee will then be able to start a career in horticulture or progress on to a higher level horticultural course.